Pathways for Healing

Healing Journeys

Flower Essences

Essence Consults

Signature Sets

Flower Readings

Pathways for Healing

Healing Journeys

Traverse the healing spiral within lovingly held containers for spiritual journeying.

Join the waitlist for our upcoming journey, Waking Up the Moon Garden, to receive guidance from plants about navigating the dark.


Healing Journeys

Traverse the healing spiral within lovingly held containers for spiritual journeying.

Join the waitlist for our upcoming journey, Waking Up the Moon Garden, to receive guidance from plants about navigating the dark.


Pathways for Healing

Flower Essences

Work with channelled signature formulas and single flower essences crafted with love at the base of Mount Mitchell.

All essences are organic and sustainably made on the land Samantha lives on, which she calls Fairy Mountain since it's built atop quartz crystals and abundant with pollinators of all kinds.


Flower Essences

Work with channelled signature formulas and single flower essences crafted with love at the base of Mount Mitchell.

All essences are organic and sustainably made on the land Samantha lives on, which she calls Fairy Mountain since it's built atop quartz crystals and abundant with pollinators of all kinds.


Pathways for Healing

Essence Consults

Find the right allies for you through this 15 minute consultation in which Samantha will look into your energy field and bring forth the flowers that are waiting to help you heal.


Essence Consults

Find the right allies for you through this 15 minute consultation in which Samantha will look into your energy field and bring forth the flowers that are waiting to help you heal.


Pathways for Healing

Signature Sets

THIS JUST IN! Now you can work the healing spiral in an integrative and complete way with The Spiral Path Signature Sets.

Available in 5 different pathways:

β€’ Activate

β€’ Clarify

β€’ Liberate

β€’ Soothe

β€’ Unite

Sets are the perfect way to give the gift of healing this Yuletime.


Signature Sets

THIS JUST IN! Now you can work the healing spiral in an integrative and complete way with The Spiral Path Signature Sets.

Available in 5 different pathways:

β€’ Activate

β€’ Clarify

β€’ Liberate

β€’ Soothe

β€’ Unite

Sets are the perfect way to give the gift of healing this Yuletime.


Pathways for Healing

Flower Readings

Receive energy healing and divine guidance from our plant spirit ancestors in this 55 minute healing session.

Flower Readings can leave you feeling more grounded in yourself and empowered with Feminine Form Herbalismβ„’ tools toΒ help you navigate the world as a sensitive person.


Flower Readings

Receive energy healing and divine guidance from our plant spirit ancestors in this 55 minute healing session.

Flower Readings can leave you feeling more grounded in yourself and empowered with Feminine Form Herbalismβ„’ tools toΒ help you navigate the world as a sensitive person.


Magical, supportive, inspiring. With these very supportive flowers essences, I feel highly in tune with the energy of each season. I think this has helped me to feel more at ease with my own expanding energy, resulting in greater trust of my own intuitive gifts. Very grateful for these magical helpers and highly recommend them!


I am so grateful for the magic and rootedness of these essences! They both cleanse out heaviness and add in ligthness. There is truly no other flower essence on the market like them!


When I take my custom essence, I notice I can more clearly hear and feel the true mystical tunes of the center of my heart. Such a beautiful, subtle medicine.


I am such awe of the power your essences hold - deep from the Earth, from the fae, from the Goddess, from mystery. But, as you say, so gentle. It's a relief from the usual wave of healing, which so often knocks me off my feet!


I’m enchanted with my custom essence and feel so loved every morning when I take it.Β I think you might be a very powerful witch, my love. Grateful for you.