Samantha Boersma is a visionary, intuitive, and creatress moved by the magic available to us in every moment.

She speaks the language of the flowers, acting as a bridge from spirit to physical to remind you how connected, supported, and nourished you really are. Her work intends to inspire a sense of belonging with all things and awaken you to the remembrance that all the wisdom you seek lives within you.
The earth has been her inspiration for as long as she can remember. She's always felt like they speak in the same way – through subtlety, feeling, and energy – which feels out of place in our masculine-forward world. The Earth reminds her that this way of being is necessary and allows her to hold a vision for a world in which we all remember that we’re made of the same breath.
The work she does through The Spiral Path has been informed by the Divine Feminine teachings, embodying receptivity, deep listening, and the access we all have to the ancient well of intuitive wisdom within. She works with the principles of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Tantra in collaboration with plant spirits to restore balance in the aura and encourage the mind, body, and spirit towards integrated healing.
Informed by her own spiralic healing journey, Samantha developed Feminine Form Herbalism™ as a modality for reclaiming our intrinsic access to the wisdom of spirit.