Daisy Flower Essence
Daisy Flower Essence
The essence of Daisy is a potent ally for when we're stuck in the thinking mind, especially when our overly-analytical approach is what is leading to a dark, pessimistic, or compartmentalized relationship to the world.
Integrate the logical with the felt sense to expand your horizon and be nourished by a more holistic view of life. Let the magic in the mundane inspire joy within you and open up your perspective to one of childlike wonder.
Message from Daisy:
Divine Child, it's safe to trust the unfolding of your reality. It is honorable that you take responsibility for what is truly within your reach, but notice when carrying the weight of the world is actually just giving you a false sense of control?
Look at the way light dances and makes shadows by shining through the space between. Loosen your grip to create way for beauty to flow in. Surrender to the unfolding of each moment. You might be surprised by what magic you find.