Why is it that sensitive people seem to have such a hard time seeing themselves clearly, yet find ease seeing deeply into another?
Perhaps it has to do with the defense mechanisms we created as children, constantly reading the energy of our outward environments to contort ourselves and shape-shift to stay safe...
Maybe it’s that when we’ve shown our lights in the past, they’ve attracted opportunists, who mistook our kindness for weakness and our empathy for complacence. So we learned to shut down that part of ourselves as a form of self-protection.
Or, possibly, it’s that we focus so much of our energy seeing the light of potential in others, that we completely forget that what we see is just a reflection of us.
Whatever it may be, 2024 has been saying to me... IT’S TIME. It’s time to look in the mirror and recognize that the purity, the radiance, and the magic you perceive... in nature, in art, in animals... is your own.
For Sensitive Hearts...